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Fall Foliage

Journeys' Enrichment Program

Spend a day at Journeys


Drop Off & Creative Play

Morning playtime is an essential part of our program, as it provides children with the opportunity to develop their imaginations, relationships, and problem-solving skills through creative, free play.

We prioritize children's creativity and exploration. They can choose from a variety of materials, from our homemade playdough, art supplies, and children's book to our perfectly curated sensory tables. We transition to group time by modeling the responsibility of cleaning up and putting away our toys and preparing for the next activity.

Group Time

As a group we will voyage through music, creative movement, and stories. Children will explore different musical concepts such as tempo and rhythm while explore different musical instruments, and moving their bodies. Also during group time, children will experience learning opportunities about the theme of the month, such as how apples grow, with hands-on interactive lessons. Literacy skills will also be supported with story time.
Following group time, kids will take a light snack break aka elevenses.

Journey Through Art

Children will get the opportunity to explore various lessons in the arts. Baking/culinary arts day, children will practice mixing, kneading, pouring and stirring skills. Process art focuses on the process of creating or experiencing art and less on the creation of something. So in other words, Process art is about the Journey and not the product. Children are free to explore the materials and use them how they want to, often without any end result in mind. At Journeys we use process art in the classroom to encourage creativity, social skills, and team building opportunities. In our classroom we will explore concepts such as painting, sculptures, building, clay molding, printmaking and so much more.

Outdoor Time, Lunch & Pickup

As we venture to the great outdoors in true Reggio style, we will follow the lead of the student’s interests that day. This could include digging, building, water play, mud play or maybe even a bear hunt!
Finishing the day by nourishing the body, fed children are happy children and at Journeys we use food as a sensory exploration where children can try new things and experience different cultures. Children are welcomed to the table but are free to not eat and continue playing outside until pickup.

Learn More

For more information on our program please follow the link below.
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