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Journeys' Enrichment Program

Journeys' enrichment preschool program focuses on Reggio Emilia inspired learning. Our unique approach of Reggio Emilia is designed to inspire learning and creativity in young children. We believe that every child is unique and deserves an individualized approach to their learning Journey.

Playing with Nature


The Journeys preschool enrichment class is inspired by the Reggio Emelia teaching Philosophy. Reggio emphasizes the relationship between children and their environment and the importance of nature therefore we incorporate natural materials into the classroom to inspire creativity, exploration, and open-ended play. These materials can include leaves, rocks, sticks, pinecones, wooden furniture, and found or recycled items like corks, empty boxes, and loose parts.

Process Art

Process art focuses on the process of creating or experiencing art and less on the creation of something. So in other words, Process art is about the Journey and not the product. Children are free to explore the materials and use them how they want to, often without any end result in mind.


The Art of Baking

Sensory exploration meets practical life skills. With a passion for food, we incorporate cooking/baking time into our program. Children will explore various motor skills such as stirring, mixing, pouring and kneading.

Outdoor Exploration

As we venture to the great outdoors in true Reggio style, we will follow the lead of the student’s interests that day. This could include digging, building, water play, mud play or maybe even a bear hunt!

Laughing Kids
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